22. mai 2013
Physical activeness
Ms Anu Kasmel, Member of the Board of International Union for Health Promotion, stated yesterday at the broadcast Citizens of Republic that the Finnish are physically more active than the Estonians, but the results of the research in The Lancet do not confirm this (The Economist 2012. One potato, two potato, three potato. – An effort to count the world’s sloths. Global health. 21st July; http://www.economist.com/node/21559319; Rogers, Simon 2012. Which are the laziest countries on earth? – Guardian.co.uk on the 18th July; http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2012/jul/18/physical-inactivity-country-laziest; Vabariigi kodanikud 2013. Editor Epp Ehand. Estonian Television on the 21st May; http://etv.err.ee/arhiiv.php?id=138673).
Füüsiline toimekus
Kui Rahvusvahelise Terviseedenduse Assotsiatsiooni juhatuse liige Anu Kasmel väitis eile "Vabariigi kodanike" 31. minutil, et soomlased on meist füüsiliselt aktiivsemad, siis The Lancetis avaldatud uuringu tulemused räägivad teist keelt (The Economist 2012. One potato, two potato, three potato. – An effort to count the world’s sloths. Global health. 21. juuli; http://www.economist.com/node/21559319; Rogers, Simon 2012. Which are the laziest countries on earth? – Guardian.co.uk 18. juulil; http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2012/jul/18/physical-inactivity-country-laziest; Vabariigi kodanikud 2013. Toim. Epp Ehand. Eesti Televisioon 21. mail; http://etv.err.ee/arhiiv.php?id=138673).
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